Friday, July 30, 2010

Our World Through the Lens

I uploaded our camera contents this morning, and found lots of pictures.  Here's some things over the last couple weeks.  (If you have trouble getting the videos to work, just scroll the mouse around the play bar till the play button lights up.  Only way it was working for me.)

Hannah got her rocking horse back.  
The movers delivered it with our friend Ben's household goods, instead of ours.

Hannah's 1st wishing well.

Toast to many more years...
We spent our 1st anniversary apart.  2nd anniversary I was breast feeding.  So for the 3rd we finally got to open the bottle of champagne from our wedding, and use the glasses my parents bought us in Paris as a 1st anniversary gift.

Hannah in the bouncy house at the church garage sale.

More from the Walter's Visit...

Daddy playing with the camera...
and someone not very happy about it.

Swimming Lessons

And that's what you missed.

Monday, July 26, 2010

1st Swim Lesson

Hannah had her first swim lesson this morning.  She was a bit groggy from napping in the car, so when we got in the pool she wasn't as excited as I'd hoped.  First she just clung to me like a little star fish. The goal of the first day was mainly getting the babies and toddlers comfortable in the water.  They had various water toys to make it fun, and stands that allowed the babies to stand freely while playing in the pool.  Hannah was not at all interested in the stand.  She found a blue fish that she liked and hugged him while holding on to me.  Not too far into the lesson she finally stretched out her body so she could float while I held on to her under the arms.  We were also learning to blow bubbles in the water.  Which Hannah was determined to do.  And just that she did.  I knew she'd catch on because she has always been fascinated with making noises and things with her mouth.  Like, she likes to move her finger up and down her lips to make noises.  We were also working on kicking her feet.  She was becoming more comfortable, but started unpleasantly grunting and squawking.  She was quite loud out of the bunch.  The instructor was going around checking on everyone, and just playing with the kids.  When he came by and saw Hannah blowing bubbles and kicking her feet, he was impressed and said that she already learned the hardest part.  I was very proud of her.  Eventually she replaced the fish with a ball she was throwing in the water, while we chased after it.  By the end of the lesson I was able to stretch my arms all the way out while still holding on to her, and she didn't mind.  I think we had a great first day.  Hopefully Daddy will be able to come watch one of her lessons this week, and maybe get some photos.  

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Home Sweet Home, California

I'm starting to get the itch to return to Ca. Unfortunately, it's not up to us.  The earliest we'll move won't be till Spring. Still, knowing it's a possibility and not far off, only makes me long that much more for home. We've started to look at rentals in San Diego to get an idea of what to expect.  And we will be having to downsize.  You just can't get the same square footage and expensive taste in toys for the price.  Sergio will also have to commute but that's just the Navy's fault for putting their base on an island that requires you to cross a scary bridge.  I'd rather not have to cross it all the time, and even if I was willing to, well Coronado is just unaffordable.  That all being said, we still want to go back.  We miss our family and friends dearly.   And well there really is no place like it.  To some people downsizing or paying more for the equivalent is not worth it, but to us it is.  We love the amenities, endless availability of restaurants and stores.  It's naturally beautiful and it's aesthetically pretty.  Virginia beach is pretty, but flat flat flat.  And there's so many trees that it blocks any possible view.  The trees may be green here, but the grass is well dead.  I miss those thick, luscious green lawns.  I miss having the cliffside coasts.  If I want to go to the beach, dessert, mountains, valleys it's all only within a couple hours drive.  Don't get me wrong I'm content with where we live, and have found some treasures here that I will miss.  We've been very fortunate and blessed on our journey.  But I'm only human and will long for home when it's dangled in front of me.                

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Walters Family Visit

We had visitors!  Brookeanne is Sergio's, sister's childhood friend.  She kept in touch with Sergio on Facebook.  Last year we both had baby girls a couple weeks apart.  Sergio told me she wanted to see pictures of Hannah, so I befriended her on Facebook, which then turned into a friendship.  Brookeanne and her husband Shaun decided it was time for a family vacation, and they wanted to bring their 3 children  to the beach.  So they drove all the way from Indiana to Virginia Beach.  We all had an absolute blast.  We spent lots of time at the beach of course.

We wish we lived in the same town, as we would have fun all the time.  It was just so cute to see the girls together.  And her two other children are absolute angels.  Kevin their son, took right to Sergio.  Everyday he'd ask Sergio, "Do you remember me"?  The first night we met, Kevin asked his dad, "Do all girls have babies"?  How cute and hilarious is that!  And Elayna, their oldest is so sweet and smart.  Hannah loved playing peek-a-boo and chase with her.  And hanging out under the umbrella together.

Brookeanne is a professional photographer and so sweetly offered to take some family photos for us.  We could not be more grateful.  Click the link below, then scroll down to Martinez Photo Shoot to view them.  You will also find some of us under Family Vacation.  

We miss you Walters Family!


Jack Johnson Concert

Last Friday we went to the Jack Johnson concert as our anniversary gift.  Our original plan was for a date night, but I'm still looking for a baby sitter, so we took Hannah with us. We were glad we did because we had a blast.  The venue gave Hannah a certificate commemorating her first concert.  This was the perfect first concert for her because when I was pregnant I would play Jack Johnson on my belly.  I'd hook Sergio's iPod up to his big headphones, and Hannah would dance in my belly.  And her first cd was his children's lullaby cd to play in the car.  Which calmed her many times, as she hated car rides for the first couple months.  Jack as always was awesome.  Sergio and I saw him play at the Greek Theatre in Berkeley when we were in college.  And like last time, he ended with our song "Better Together".  This time there was even a song for Hannah from his new album, "My Little Girl".  Which of course Sergio and Hannah danced to.

The story behind this next picture...

I have this awful habit, (my mom first pointed out to me last December) that when I'm feeding Hannah I open my mouth too in anticipation of getting her to eat.  Back in December I unknowingly started it because I was teaching her to eat, but I STILL do it, and have to consciously hold my mouth shut to not do it.  Well for Sergio and everyone else's humor he caught me in the act.

Hannah patiently waiting for Jack

And here he is.

These last couple pictures, it was too dark for the iPhone to capture.  After playing with them on the computer I created some art.

This is a silhouette of Hannah and Sergio dancing to "My Little Girl". 

Hannah gazing up.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cheers to 3 Years of Marriage

It seems like yesterday we first met, then wed;
While it feels like forever we've been.
I believe in fairy tales and found my prince long ago.
And am living happily ever after.
Happy 3rd Anniversary, I love you!

Our Story for those that don't know:

Almost 7 years ago on August 17, 2003 Sergio and I moved into our dorm rooms at UC Berkeley.  That night our dorm had a social; hop from RA to RA's rooms for  snacks.  Sergio's RA had root beer floats and my new roommate wanted one.  So we ventured from our 7th floor down to the 2nd floor.  While hanging out getting to know other dorm mates, Sergio and his roommate were sitting across from us.  After the typical ice breaker questions (hometown, major, etc) we discovered Sergio's roommate and I shared Chemistry and Sergio had a large collection of DVDs.  So his roommate became my new study partner, and Sergio our Blockbuster.  After a few study sessions, Sergio learned I had a big, plastic bin full of snacks.  He claimed to only come up to the study lounge to get snacks, I guess it's true that the way into a man's heart is his stomach, but I think we all know he had other interests than just food.  We shortly began to hang out and get to know one another.  A couple months later we started dating, and the rest is history.

3 years ago today we got married.  Along the way came two dogs, and a baby in a baby carriage.  


Tuesday, July 13, 2010


When we put Hannah to bed tonight, she leaned over and kissed her dolly goodnight.  My precious girl.  And earlier today when I was on the computer, she walked over and gave me a kiss on my hip.  Totally unexpected and melted my heart.  I'm loving all these kisses.  

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Older Videos

These videos are a couple weeks old, but wanted to share now that I know how the video uploads work.

Blowing Kisses


Friday, July 9, 2010

Bikes, Spiders, and Bedtime

We had a couple adventures today.  

First we went to home depot this afternoon to buy materials for a bike rack.  We didn't want to spend $400 for a rack that attaches to the back of the bed.  And also wanted something much simpler.  Sergio found these cool mounting blocks at Dick's Sporting Goods for $25 each that he attached to the truck with a piece of metal for a rail.  Hardware and rail, $13.  Normally you bolt the blocks to the floor bed of the truck, but we didn't want to drill holes into the floor.  The top perimeter of our truck bed already has screw holes for rails and attachments.  And to mount the bike you just remove the front tire.  So easy.    

First mount done.  One more to install.  

After Sergio was finished with this project he then attached Hannah's child seat to my bike.  While he was in the garage doing that I noticed spiders in between things, and just dirt and some pine needles all over the garage floor.  Since Hannah was still down for a nap, I decided to give the garage a good sweep.  First I tackled a web under an open box flap.  When I looked under I could see a brown widow, so Sergio bravely lifted the flap and squished her.  Just grouse.  Then in the front corner near the big garage door, I swept out a big pile of debri and webs, along with a BIGGGGGG ugly black widow.  With the first sweep the broom brought her outside, she quickly propped up to run away, but I swept her again trying to stop her, and also wanted Sergio to see her before she was squished.  That time the broom had flipped her over.  Her back was so big that she couldn't flip back over.  Helpless with her legs wiggling in the air, Sergio took his sandal with one smack, a little drag across the cement and bye bye spider.  May she rest in peace, and I sleep better at night.  I really don't want to know how many more are lurking in dark places of the garage.  

We finally found Hannah a helmet, so we were able to go on our first family bike ride.  We just went around the neighborhood.  I wish I could have seen her face while she was riding.  Sergio said she loved it.  And she actually likes her helmet too.       

Ready to go

Finally found a use for this shelf, and there's even a spot on top for 1 more.

When we came home we started getting Hannah ready for bed.  I had laid her PJs out, and she picked them up, then walked them over to Sergio.  Sergio was laying on her rug, so Hannah plopped them on his belly.  When he didn't do anything she then picked them up again, and repeated till he got the hint she wanted to change for bedtime.  And of course making us giggle.  After she changed, it was Bible story time.  Usually I put her straight to bed after her story, but she crawled off my lap from the rocking chair and over to Sergio.  So then we were all playing around on the floor.  Sergio eventually fell asleep and Hannah started cuddling the rug, so I put her to bed.  I tried to wake Sergio but he didn't even stir.  I gave them each a kiss, turned off the light, and closed the door.  Since I've been down here writing I can hear  her talking, and a couple times pounding her crib on the wall (her new thing to do), as all the pictures along the staircase shake.  Looks like an earthquake from where I'm sitting.  I wish I could sleep as soundly as him.  I'm just imagining her curious face watching and talking to him, trying to wake her Daddy, as she's confused to why he is asleep on her floor.  A moment where I wish I had one of those video baby monitors.  I'm sure I'd be cracking up.

And I just wanted to share these cute clothe hangar dividers I found at the Coast Guard Exchange.  They have sticker labels that match for your organization style: type of clothing article, size, and even day of week.  


About Me

Family is my life. I'm a stay at home mom to Hannah, and wife to a wonderful Naval Aviator.