Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wallpaper Time To Go

Knitting isn't turning out quite the way I'd hoped.  Oh well.  So I decided to take on another project.  Our downstairs bathroom.  I'm tired of the outdated, drab wallpaper.   Before moving in the owners gave me permission to strip the wallpaper and paint.  But after moving in, I lost wind and decided to just leave it since we plan on moving come spring.  But now that I have time to fill in the evenings, I decided I don't want to live with it for another 6 months.  So down came the wallpaper.  Just removing the first wall, I immediately saw the bathroom grow in size.  I have a little bit of paste to still scrub off tomorrow.  Then paint. And am already loving it!!!
My little helper...
isn't she cute!?!


  1. She is adorable! I'm impressed... stripping wall paper is hard! I don't know if I could handle doing it on my own! Hope things are going well still with Sergio being gone. Feel free to text or call anytime if you're feeling lonely. I'm usually just home hanging out with Claire or editing during the day anyway :).

  2. What a precious little helper!

  3. Hannah is sooo stinkin' cute!!! Her pictures always make me smile :)



About Me

Family is my life. I'm a stay at home mom to Hannah, and wife to a wonderful Naval Aviator.