Sunday, October 17, 2010

Quiet and Slow

Quiet.  That's the sound around here.  Well when I pause and think about it, actually no it's not.  Hannah plays, plays, plays.  And the dogs, well in a nutshell, haven't been getting along and are running up a vet bill.  But even in the midst of life, it's been very slow with Sergio so busy with work.  After a few nights of watching movies and channel surfing, I decided I need something to do in the evenings.  And yes I could file papers, organize photos, finish other misc projects, or read a stack of parenting books.  But no instead I went to Michael's and bought crafts.  I'm feeling crafty.  I wanted to make some fall crafts, but instead came home with Christmas stuff.  I've always vowed to not start the Christmas season till after Thanksgiving, but I just couldn't help myself.  For one of the crafts I'm going to be using some of the pine cones from our trees, since we only have thousands on the ground.  And I found these adoring balls of garland that I just had to have.  You'll have to wait till after Thanksgiving for photos.  And then I decided I'd like to knit.  So I bought a knitting kit that supposedly will teach me how.  Happy knitting I go!    

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About Me

Family is my life. I'm a stay at home mom to Hannah, and wife to a wonderful Naval Aviator.