Friday, February 18, 2011

Rakin' and a Bakin'

The last 3 days we've had wonderful weather.
Wednesday, I took Hannah outside to play, and while outside I decided to rake. What started as raking some of the grass area (or dead grass that is) turned into the whole yard.
After pictures
Yes this whole yard was covered in pine needles. Fairy Forest, in the back there, was at least a couple inches think. During the summer and fall I raked about every 2 weeks, but once winter arrived, haha, you rake in 30 or below.
Hannah admiring our hard work.
She's a big helper, who loves to rake.
She certainly deserved to lay down, kick her feet up, and stretch with a cool sippy cup of juice medley (right on the threshold of the back door).
An afternoon of yard work is not complete without a wagon ride of the grounds.
All aboard...
Please fasten your seat belt and keep all hands and feet inside the wagon. Ms. Hannah's wild ride is a bumpy (tree roots) and curvy (circling around trees) ride.
As much as Hannah loves Fairy Forest, our next house will NOT have pine trees!

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About Me

Family is my life. I'm a stay at home mom to Hannah, and wife to a wonderful Naval Aviator.