Monday, February 14, 2011

A Little Here and There

While uploading photos from the camera I found a few from this and that.
Hannah's first time painting...
she has a flair for modern art.
Made ice cream with our ice cream maker I received for Christmas.
Chocolate walnut.
Sleepy, sick tot. Just an angel.
Gorgeous sunset.
The Hannah and Elmo show...
A couple of her dance moves...
Last week while at Grandpa and Grandma's, Hannah fell in love with the "tap, tap, tappy" noise her dress shoes made on their hardwood floors. Then she watched part of An American in Paris, and was mesmerized by the dancing. She debuted on Grandma and Grandpa's fire place, and we now have broadway shows (singing too) in our very own living room.

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About Me

Family is my life. I'm a stay at home mom to Hannah, and wife to a wonderful Naval Aviator.