Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Walters Family Visit

We had visitors!  Brookeanne is Sergio's, sister's childhood friend.  She kept in touch with Sergio on Facebook.  Last year we both had baby girls a couple weeks apart.  Sergio told me she wanted to see pictures of Hannah, so I befriended her on Facebook, which then turned into a friendship.  Brookeanne and her husband Shaun decided it was time for a family vacation, and they wanted to bring their 3 children  to the beach.  So they drove all the way from Indiana to Virginia Beach.  We all had an absolute blast.  We spent lots of time at the beach of course.

We wish we lived in the same town, as we would have fun all the time.  It was just so cute to see the girls together.  And her two other children are absolute angels.  Kevin their son, took right to Sergio.  Everyday he'd ask Sergio, "Do you remember me"?  The first night we met, Kevin asked his dad, "Do all girls have babies"?  How cute and hilarious is that!  And Elayna, their oldest is so sweet and smart.  Hannah loved playing peek-a-boo and chase with her.  And hanging out under the umbrella together.

Brookeanne is a professional photographer and so sweetly offered to take some family photos for us.  We could not be more grateful.  Click the link below, then scroll down to Martinez Photo Shoot to view them.  You will also find some of us under Family Vacation.  

We miss you Walters Family!


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About Me

Family is my life. I'm a stay at home mom to Hannah, and wife to a wonderful Naval Aviator.