Friday, July 30, 2010

Our World Through the Lens

I uploaded our camera contents this morning, and found lots of pictures.  Here's some things over the last couple weeks.  (If you have trouble getting the videos to work, just scroll the mouse around the play bar till the play button lights up.  Only way it was working for me.)

Hannah got her rocking horse back.  
The movers delivered it with our friend Ben's household goods, instead of ours.

Hannah's 1st wishing well.

Toast to many more years...
We spent our 1st anniversary apart.  2nd anniversary I was breast feeding.  So for the 3rd we finally got to open the bottle of champagne from our wedding, and use the glasses my parents bought us in Paris as a 1st anniversary gift.

Hannah in the bouncy house at the church garage sale.

More from the Walter's Visit...

Daddy playing with the camera...
and someone not very happy about it.

Swimming Lessons

And that's what you missed.

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About Me

Family is my life. I'm a stay at home mom to Hannah, and wife to a wonderful Naval Aviator.