Monday, December 6, 2010

Goodbye Little Plant

This past week we've introduced timeouts.  The first few times Hannah was confused, however she now enjoys sitting on the stairs (her timeout spot), haha.  Well most of the time.  We can't complain though because she's usually only on time out for removing the Christmas ornaments.  And really not because she removed them but because she did not listen.  

Well today time outs have been abundant.  I placed a couple Christmas frames and a little church on the entertainment center.  She instantly decided they were hers to play with.  And now she knows they are not.  Then she decided she really wanted to give this timeout thing a go.  I have a potted plant on the fireplace.  I've yet been able to keep a house plant alive.  So when we were given it as a house warming gift, I was determined to see this one survive.  I bought the little water bulbs that self water (which are totally awesome).  When I went to Ca Sergio forgot to water it.  The poor thing was on it's last moments of life.  With a little water a new sprout popped up.  I've been nurturing this sprout for 2 months only for it's life to quickly end by the hands of a giant (well giant to the plant), purple, penguin wearing monster.  I guess the plant and I were bound to be defeated.

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About Me

Family is my life. I'm a stay at home mom to Hannah, and wife to a wonderful Naval Aviator.