Sunday, August 8, 2010

Playing Catch Up

Once again I find myself getting behind on my blog.  I've posted a couple things, but have left out others.  So here's another recap, and hopefully this won't become a trend.

July 28 Downtown Portsmouth~

Sergio was home early so after Hannah's swim lesson we had a picnic lunch over by the harbor in Downtown Portsmouth. We also walked the little downtown of boutiques and restaurants.  Very quaint.  The Children's Museum has a clubhouse with lots of fun activities and play areas.  We didn't have time to go, but look forward to going back.  We did stop to get a brochure and let Hannah play on the big dragon out front.

July 31 Shrimp Boil~
We went to a shrimp boil at our friend Ben's house.  Ben, Adrian, Kai, and Sergio all trained in Meridian and Corpus Christi, where they winged together.  And are now continuing their flight training in Norfolk.  Click the link below for more pictures.  I realized there are none of Sergio, but he's the man behind the lens, so he was there too. 

Day to day on camera~
Playing in the front yard.

Bath time

Little Guitarist

Make Believe with a Box
In this video it was a car.  Hannah played with this box for about 2 hours.  Sometimes it was a soccer ball, basket ball, car, and where ever else her imagination took her.

We enjoyed a wonderful service at church on 1 Kings 20.  Something Pastor said today that resonated with my heart was, "Prayer is the first step, but not the last step".  Something I've always believed and could not have worded more simply.  In the afternoon we went to an About-Face potluck, our church's military ministry.  It was great to see friends, and also meet new friends.  Ready for a blessed week.  


  1. LOVE the guitar pics! Looks like a wonderful time! The kids would have loved the Children's Museum, makes me want to hop in the car and drive out there! So glad you updated... it motivates me to want to do the same!

  2. They would have. I can't wait to take Hannah. Wish I'd known about it when you were here. It's only $5 per person, and Hannah and Claire are free too.



About Me

Family is my life. I'm a stay at home mom to Hannah, and wife to a wonderful Naval Aviator.