Thursday, June 30, 2011

Martinez Familypalooza

These photos are a couple weeks old, but it's never too late to share. With Sergio's sister getting married, we had family visit us before the wedding. Then we continued North for the wedding and a few of our own adventures.
(*Disclaimer: Pictures are unedited, so they may not be looking their best.)
Auntie Emily and Hannah at Legoland.
Pool time with Daddy at the hotel.
Natalia and Stephen's Wedding
The bride and groom. Sergio and his sister.
Hannah with her Auntie Emily and Great Aunt Bertha.
Hannah playing with Great Grandpa George.
Hannah dancing with Grandma Aase.
Sergio's sister with their mom and aunts.
My Girls.
Hannah's 1st Berkeley visit.
Future Cal bear walking under Sather Gate and looking at the Campanile.
Hannah picking flowers for me on Memorial Glade.
Our dorm where we met.
On our bridge where Sergio proposed to me.
The plaque on the bridge reads, "In memory of happy days on the campus and in appreciation of benefits received from their Alma mater..." Very fitting I would say.
Everything a future Cal Bear needs.
Father's Day in San Francisco
First brunch and a mini fishbowl reunion (missing 2 fishes).
Then an afternoon at the Golden Gate Bridge.
I did not intentionally dress Sergio and Hannah as twins for Father's Day. I didn't even realize they were till I looked at the photos.
Love Hannah's expression in the picture on the left. Just had to share it. By the way, if you double click pictures you can enlarge them individually.
Happy Father's Day 2011.

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About Me

Family is my life. I'm a stay at home mom to Hannah, and wife to a wonderful Naval Aviator.