While at Johnny Rocket's she dropped her spoon and said, "uh-oh"!
She tumbled off the bottom of the slide. Then a little boy came down the slide behind her, and gave her his hands at the bottom to help her up.
She wanted to cuddle on the couch when we got home, so I looked for something kid friendly on, and only found the Barbie Channel preview. It played the same 7-10 minute preview over and over since I wasn't going to subscribe to the channel. There were 2 scenes that she would giggle about every time it played. When the kitty would "rawwwrrr" as it fell off the roller skate, and when the dog would say "owwww" after running into the rose bush.
Making Daddy kiss all her stuff animals goodnight. She went around the crib getting one at a time, and holding their faces between the rails, several times each animal too, for him to kiss. And then she'd stick Hubert's head over the top of the crib, and then place him back down between the railing. She loves giving goodnight kisses through the rails.
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