Yesterday evening they came over to power wash the house. While I'm in the kitchen cooking dinner and Sergio is bathing Hannah, we hear the door bell ring. Since we have a glass window in the front door, I could immediately see it was the wife. The dogs are barking at the front door like they are going to eat whoever is on the other side. I put them outback and walk back to the front door to answer it. I started to get annoyed because I had no idea. However I was not shocked because this is not a first. She has showed up on my door step when I'm still in my PJs feeding Hannah breakfast. And more than once. Turns out she called and left a message they would be coming. A message I never received. Of course I said don't worry about it, but was annoyed they came over without actually confirming with me that this was an appropriate time. Which is common courtesy and in our lease. While I'm answering the door I see Oski and Maverick go darting out of the garage and down the street. Then her husband comes out of the garage and says, "The dogs are gone. The back door was opened and they ran through the garage." (As for why the back door to the garage was open I'll explain later.) At this point my blood is starting to boil. I'm not even done opening the door, and her husband is already in our garage. PRIVACY. Excuse me, but I think you're supposed to ask permission to enter our garage. And her response to him was, "Oh don't worry they come back on their own". Oh I was about to fall over. Sergio went looking for the dogs, while I finished bathing Hannah and putting her to bed. I then went back to the kitchen to check on my chicken. It ended up being dry and over cooked because I couldn't get to it in time. By the time Sergio came back his dinner was cold. Hannah ended up not being able to fall asleep from the loud noise of the power wash. Once we got Hannah back to bed things calmed and we brushed the whole incident off.
Then this morning I put the dogs out to the bathroom and I was in horror as I saw this...
Then this morning I put the dogs out to the bathroom and I was in horror as I saw this...
Then I go to take a shower. After I step in the shower I look up and see this...
mess on my skylight. They come over to do something and a) don't finish the job and b) always leave me with a mess. So now I have to clear my flower beds of a layer of pine needles, mud and debris. The pictures above are only a section of the beds. You don't create a mess and not clean up after yourself!!!
Even the garden lantern has mud on it. Ignore the grass in the pictures, the gardener comes tomorrow. Actually that makes me even more mad because we pay good money to have our yard look nice. For Memorial Day I raked while Sergio bagged over 30 lawn bags of pine needles. The lack of respect for their tenants, is just astounding. The skylight however, how are we supposed to clean that. We're not going to risk Sergio climbing on the roof and falling off to clean a skylight. So now everyday I get to be reminded of why I can't wait to move on base.
We were told the repairs and maintenance on our house would take no longer than a couple weeks. Well 2 months later, the landlord's to-do list is still not half done. Maybe if they came more than once every couple weeks, and stayed long enough to finish a project it wouldn't take so long. And a couple other things that make me mad, he always leaves gasoline in our garage and now the ladder outside. He's left containers filled with gasoline and gasoline powered equipment in the garage. This causes the fumes to build, which is so dangerous. You never store gas in a garage! And not only is it dangerous, but the dogs are garaged when we are not home. To keep the fumes from building we leave the garage door to our backyard open to air it out. Thus the reason it was open when the dogs ran yesterday. And the ladder. He left it fully extended against the house up to a second story window. Just love the thought of someone coming through the window while we sleep. So much for our ADT alarm.
We do have a property manager. We did let him know of the situations in the past and that we were not pleased. However he came back blaming us. He said we pushed to move in before the house was ready. Umm the landlord jumped at moving us in, because he wanted the rent. At that point we'd been in the house for 4 weeks, and only a mailbox had been put in. This was all before the fence was fixed and our dogs had to be on lines to go out to the bathroom. But how dare we ask that they fix the fence as promised. He then told us we left him out of the loop and we are not supposed to be in contact or talk with the landlord. Well if the landlords are doing the repairs and maintenance themselves and come over unannounced, how am I supposed to not be talking to them. Once the fence was up we stopped caring if they ever finish. We just don't want them creating a bigger mess, and would like some boundaries. Come next spring if we find out this is Sergio's duty station for 3 years, we'll be moving on base. At that point we'll be at the top of the wait list. Otherwise we will be off to CA or Japan. Too bad for them. They could of had great tenants for another 3 years. The fact that we're willing to pack and unpack once again, tells you how displeased we are.
That is crazy! We're big on boundaries here as well. Even though I love my neighbors across the street, I hate it when they come over without calling first. And who comes over in the evening time without touching base first?! That's just horribly inappropriate and would annoy me too! Did you say anything to the owners about it? Good luck with the situation!