Our house has been a disarray lately. With plans to move we've been cleaning house. Our donation pile, from furniture to clothes and everything in between has been growing. In January, I wrote about how we combined the play room and office. The old playroom had been sitting empty except for Hannah's play gym. Warning: an empty room near the front door, quickly becomes a storage area. Sergio has been studying around the clock and taken over our kitchen table since there is not enough space in the office/playroom. Not to mention sharing with a busy toddler does not help him focus either. Sergio has a 3 day weekend so we decided to move the office into the old playroom. Now the playroom and office have been completely swapped. Here's the new furniture arrangements. These rooms are not complete, just our progress today.

I decided to finally get rid of the ugly 80s wallpaper. Before moving in the owners gave us permission if we wished to, so why not? All the paper except about a foot around the top has been stripped. We still need to paint and hang wall art too. We were able to fit all our books on the tall shelf in the corner so we could get rid of a book shelf. We'll keep it for a utility shelf in the garage, but never really liked it anyways.

We used to have all our office supplies neatly organized in the desk. When Hannah was old enough to reach things like staplers and batteries they had to be moved. They took over the tall shelf, where the books now are, and I hated it. We always have a junk drawer in the kitchen and it had become out of control. My parents can attest to that from their visit here at Christmas. Since half the stuff goes back and forth between the junk drawer and the tall shelf it was time to put everything in one place. Here is our new organized drawer. So nice to have everything in one place. The cute little black/white/pink divider was only $1 at Target!

I wanted seating in the office so we moved the love seat from the living room. We just love it. It is so cozy in here. I imagine evenings after Hannah is asleep with Sergio studying at the desk and me cuddled up reading. We also were out running errands today, and while we were at TJ Maxx (btw it was extremely crowded today. The check out line was 30+ people) we found the painting propped on the couch. It's of a city skyline. I know it's hard to tell in this picture. The piles on the couch are various wires we are keeping from our electrical bin. We had a whole plastic bin of just wires. Why? Other than the pile here the rest are being donated. I happened to take the picture while Sergio was sorting them.

Here's the living room with only the couch now. We scooted the couch forward about 4 inches and away from the backdoor about a foot. Much more open without the loveseat. Hannah loves, loves being able to run, spin, and tumble around now. She actually spun into the ottoman in excitement.

Hannah's playroom is not done yet. I placed her furniture and hung her wall stuff so tomorrow she can play. I still need to swap her curtains with those in the guest room, and organize some toys.

Some how we found time to let Hannah play outside too. Now that the weather is nice we moved her play gym outside. Of course she wanted to check it out and we felt bad for her because she spent several hours shopping.

Twinkle toes in her fairy forest.

We enjoyed putting our feet up for a moment.

Did I mention how we love our cozy office?

I know it seems silly to be rearranging when we will be moving. The reality though is we have a few more months here, and the arrangement is just more functional. As Hannah grows some layouts work better than others. It also helps me learn what floor plans in the next house will work best for us. Plus it motivates us to get rid of junk. Some stuff we are using, like our desk, we plan on replacing once we move. Then there are things, like the loveseat, I was considered donating once we move but figured out they are still keepers in the right room. So glad to have most of this done. Tomorrow we have church and after we want to go for a hike. Then in the afternoon we are doing a photo session for our friends. Even though Sergio has Monday off, he will be studying. The rest is decorating, which is my thing anyways. Today was really our only day to concentrate on this.