This year was our first New Year's with just our little family. Sergio and I were never really big on going out for New Year's Eve. We went a couple times, nothing crazy though. Last year we attempted to go have a romantic dinner over looking the San Diego Harbor and make it home in time to share the countdown with Hannah. Except I got sick, so we stayed in with my parents and Hannah. Turned out to be wonderful. So as this New Year's Eve approached I decided I wanted to start some new traditions while keeping old ones.
First, I love staying home as a family. Although Hannah was only 7 months last year, she was well aware something special was happening as we brought in the new year. The excitement in her eyes and the smile on her face is was just special.
I remembered in our pictures last year, we were all in our pjs, so I decided to make it an official tradition. And of course added some festivity to them with party hats, leis, and various noise makers. Hannah had a blast with all the favors.

We usually have a marathon of movies if we stay home. Then we tune into the countdown for the last 15-30 minutes. This year was the return to kid friendly movies, so we watched Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs and Astroboy.
Next I decided we should have a New Year's Eve meal. My family has traditional foods for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, 4th of July. Why not start a New Year's Eve meal? We decided on Chinese food. Turned out the wait was an hour. When Sergio got the food home, and I started eating, I suddenly lost the appetite for Chinese. It tasted no different than it usually does. We ordered our favorite dishes. But I just couldn't stomach the smell, texture, or thought of eating it. Then Sergio over ate so not to waste it, and well lets just say the food didn't stay down. Hannah, however, thoroughly enjoyed her dinner and a movie.

While searching online for some traditions, I came across the idea of writing fortunes for each other. Since we were having Chinese food, we decided we'd wait till after the count down to open our fortune cookies. Which I wanted to share but cannot find them now. They were both very similar, basically saying we make our own fortunes in the choices we make. Ironic in that it's a fortune cookie, but very true. A reminder that it is our responsibility to cherish and use God's blessings wisely.
And of course we brought in the new year with a toast of sparkling cider. Hannah enjoyed her first sips, I mean couple glasses, of it.
I guess that was some good stuff!
May you all have a blessed 2011!!!